The general takes us for a ride
General Electric uses (mostly) legal bribery about as effectively as anybody on this planet.
The general, a person by declaration of the Extreme Court in January 2010, makes more money than any of the people in my neighborhood or yours, and pays no taxes.
In fact, we, the American taxpayers, pay the general an almost unbelievable sum because his “tax credits” are so huge. (Not to mention that the general has huge income from military contracts, some no-bid and many that go almost automatically to cost-overrun.)
Yup, we're paying taxes to the general. Hope he at least gets his wife a nice new yacht for her birthday.
I'd invite the general over for a conversation about how he does it – the various methods he uses to buy Congress, not to mention the military of this and numerous other countries – but I'm afraid that with his tens of thousands of bodies, he won't fit in my house.
Of all the countless examples of why the Roberts court's conferring of personhood on corporations is false and, in fact, deliberate fraud, this one takes the prize for this week.
The New York Times told the story in a front page article on March 25, 2011. Check it out:
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